Thursday, July 08, 2004


LELAH......... LOST IN MY LIFE.... MENGECEWAKAN BNYK ORG... sori... gue emang ga seperfect yg dibayangkan... sifat cueknya..... sifat malasnya... sifat egonya... sifat kekanak2annya... sifat sok taunya... sifat yg terlalu cepat menilai... sifat blak2annya... it's very disgusting... i bagaikan gelas yg selalu diisi.. dan selalu luber... T T umn........ LOST from LIFE... pai pai...


bugzy said...

it's complicated life....
harder to know and to fill our life till this seconds. till we breathe now..
dont 4get to be proud of u.
nobodys's life except urs..
be nice and better...

and thx too from me.... :)

bugzy said...

it's complicated life....
harder to know and to fill our life till this seconds. till we breathe now..
dont 4get to be proud of u.
nobodys's life except urs..
be nice and better...

and thx too from me.... :)

felis said...

U're who u are...
never regret it...
nobody's perfect in this world
be proud with it and luv ur self ^^
hope u'll find ur happiness again

*ps maap kalo salah kata ^^ lagi seneng sok inggris neh...*

PS : badai pasti berlalu yang penting bagaimana kita mengatasi badai tersebut ^^V