Facebook can be very great, since it can make you remember what happen at the past two years.. Oh menn, i update my status like that.. :))
Status galau gw pastinyaa..
Let me tell you story about my housemate celebrate two of friend of us. One is Yustine, and secondly is Ansein. We celebrated Yustine on 30 August and Ansein 1 September. For yustine, its special day on monday which the tuesday is Hari Raya, so it was public holiday. Ivant cook and invite Nico, Raymond, Eci, Anton, and Kiki. then ivant invited Yustine to come into our house braddel. But she cannot come because her phone is off, and before that she said have a date. :p Then when we called her, and there is answer your phone is not available and nico said that.. "Waa, yustine have a boyfriend, the status is not available" hahahaha.. and we laughed :p Its quite entertaining because she cannot make it to come. But Do not worry, since one of friend know already where she stay, so she came into her house to celebrate. Its so good, we celebrate with Nasi Kuning, and laugh laugh laugh till early morning. Its crazy because of we drunk sapporo, and eby become crazy :)), like the orange balloon he said as papaya, its not bird. The bird is the blue one. since all the balloon are birds, so we are laugh again :) At the last, she was very happy with our celebration and presents :)
Then, For Anseina's birthday is different since her's boyfriend already book 1 room at swissotel. Its awesome, we come into the room and gather together n celebrate the birthday. This event also celebrate with arak.. After celebrate with cake, eat sushi and drink arak. We are the girls take photo with any crazy photo :D from bath up til all the space. It was crazy and fun. :)
too many story, i think its enough. :)