Monday, December 17, 2012

Seem everybody treat me as mature person

hmm.. Long paused after 3 month.

Especially when i cameback from Hongkong, everybody seems treat me as mature woman. Am i mature enough ? :D

And more than that after i comeback from jakarta then go to semarang, attending my friend's wedding then go to surabaya meet by brother and family there. Seems everything a bit untidy. My father ask me to go surabaya, then i go to surabaya then my uncle seem say don't need to hear my father. I cry after that seems life is very funny. Maybe it's true that there is no right and wrong in this life. And everybody try to influence me, or maybe because i able to listen everybody until make me very confusie.. ahahaha... I have a conclusion, i think when you become very kind to any person, then the other person will be kind also to you.

Then another problem in family. Could i say i hate my family very much? Whyyy, what is the function as a mother, yahhh but at least what i able to say.. mother is a mother, mother also human. My mother maybe very soft, so when the kids grow up become a mature person, she cannot become friend to be argued, or to be exampled. She just become very stubborn with my dad, but very kind with the children. That's might be a different pattern of learner from my mother with the others.

This is critical time for everybody that changed from in relationship to become mature person. Lucky me no need to pass the time like my sister and my brother. Thanks God.

Another wishes for this x-mas year, wish i able to find suitable job here. Since i'm too picky..