Wednesday, January 30, 2008

punya pepatah

Saya baru saja mendengar beberapa pepatah dari senior saya di kantor.. Tapi sayang sekali, senior saya ini akan segera pensiun. Alangkah baiknya, jika saya menuliskannya disini dan membagikannya pada teman-teman semua.. Orangnya tua, tapi tetap awet muda. Orangnya bole tua, tapi suka becanda.

Kami berkumpul dan berbincang. Dan tepat hari ini senior saya dipanggil oleh atasan, dan dengan sangat menyesal senior saya ini dipensiunkan. Dengan kata pembuka Sigma sudah diakusisi oleh telkom, dan perombakan struktur sudah terjadi dan karena aturan yang ada juga harus dijalankan, dengan menyesal bapak dipensiunkan. Yah..birokrasi.. Karyawan harus tetap dipensiunkan pada umur 55 tahun.

Ia telah bekerja di Sigma hampir 4 thn. Dan selama 4 tahun itu pula ia dikontrak 4x.. Pada umumnya, karyawan dikontrak 2thn, dan kemudian diangkat menjadi karyawan tetap. Tapi ketika 2 thn ia bekerja, atasannya ingin mengangkatnya sebagai pegawai tetap. Atasannya berkata "Lagunya bgini... - bilang saja OKEee - " Namun apa boleh buat atasannya atasan bilang Not OK "Jadinya lagu matta band - Kamuuu ketuaaan - " Akhirnya sang senior saya ini masi kerja di perusahaan saya, dan dipindahkan bagian. Yah lagi2 birokrasi, perusahaan hanya bisa mengontrak pegawai selama 2 tahun, shingga setelah itu ia dipindahkan dalam perusahaan berbeda tapi masi dalam grup yang sama. Karena kondisi kontrak tersebut, senior saya ini tidak mendapat uang pensiun. Karena uang pensiun diberikan hanya kepada karyawan tetap.

Sblmnya, senior berkata seperti ini,
Banyak membaca membuat kita semakin pintar. Banyak praktek membuat kita semakin bijaksana...

Melihat itu baik. Lebih baik daripada mendengar 100x. Tapi masih ada yang lebih baik, Mencoba lebih baik daripada melihat 100x.

So Keep trying..'n Learning by Doing..

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Alvin and Chipmunks

hiks... i have been typing, and all is deleted unicidentally... >.<

Alvin and Chipmunks the movie is showed at jakarta. But It's showed on January. It's late because the movie tell about christmas.. My friend at singapore have been watching at last december.

After all, I likes the movie. It's entertain enough. I like simon, he is so lovely n mellow. it's cute when he had a nightmare, n he ask dave to sleep behind dave. And theodore, he is cute with santa's glasses.. And Alvin, he is genious, but difficult to talk that he love dave.. ^^

I want the dvd from alvin :D

Saturday, January 19, 2008

January 2008

I thinks this january lasted so long time.. Maybe because of i didn't know how to take the time. I am waiting for my salary this month.. ^^ Since i had the salary last month so quick than it's should be.. Now, i am really2 waiting for.. ;)

I am thinking so much now. About my dream, aboouuut aallll i waannt.. I want that becomes true so quickly. I hope that God will guide my footprints.. Not only for what i will do, but also my healthy to support my will..

I really2 want an higher living.. for me, my life n my family.. I am afraid what'll be happen at the next day. When everything'll not be so easy, i guessed..

I think i need to enjoy my time. But i feel it's not the time. It's time for career, 'n money, 'n my battle to get love..

Because of that, i think that i cann't run my life so easily, and to be enjoyed. Sometimes i feel it's not me. I am so ambisious.. Where does me when i dont think anything about tommorow ? When i can be so playful with my friends.. I want her back..(sometimes)

regard, Stefanie

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Organization Structure

Eniwe, we have entry at the year of two thousand and eight.. Have a greeeeaaaattt life in this year frennn..

for my friend that resign from his office, wish u get the best job at 2008.. :)

Talk about my office, my bos talked to me about Organization Structure. She said that at my office, the organization structure always changed. She had count, that my office ever have turnover organization structure frequently until seven change. How come ? :d But, she said that it didn't influence with the job. So she talk to me that i don't need surprise that 2008 will be organization structure changes. Because, it doesn't effect with the job.. Load the job still as big as before..

But before that, i hope that my company will be succeed.. The purpose for organization structure changes must be for better condition.. I hope that my boss is the best boss.. The boss that will lead us, 'n make the best quality for the product.. :)

Is it easy to change my office ?? The answer is not easy.. Change the way of people's work is harder than change the structure.. It's need a time for adaption, for changes the way of thinking, and many others..

It's happen to with my last organization too. When, the structure changes every year, the name of sub division changes too, the name of event changes too.. But something that important, the member of organization is different too. They changes the situation, the structure, the sub division, the event with their analyses with problem 'n the solution. People changes, so the structure changes. i think it's normal that i have at my office. Same people changes the structure repeatly.

But i only can pray for the best vision, n mission, and others ^^