Thursday, August 09, 2007


I am blank.. My Brain is blank.. sometimes my brain is loss..

I am on Stupidity..

WeW.. This is tragedy..

i watched my boss my hero..peran cowonya ituh cuma bisa mikir 90 detik.. Kenapa kadang gue mulai merasa begitu ya..

Sometimes gue bisa begitu WoW cemerlang, sometimes gue terlihat stupid, sometimes terlihat bosan. I am just like kids, trutama juan.

Kemaren baru gue ajarin dia belajar nulis huruf, baru beberapa huruf udah gak mau lagi, terus suruh nulis namanya sendiri 10x baru 5x uda berenti. Terus bis itu gue tebakin penjumlahan baru 3 pertanyaan dah gak mau jawab.. wleh wleh..

Terus tadi gue bru interview ke 2 at somewhere, dan gue coba jelasin menjadi beberapa part.. part 1 Company profile + discussion part 2 Praktek part 3 Interview singkat

Part 1, Awal2 menarik dan akir2 mulai merasa bosan, gak bgitu fokus lagi dengan materi. Part 2, Merasa fun. Part 3, I have no spirit.

And in part 3, the interviewer ask me.. are you still interest with this job ? "yes." how about part 2 ? "saya rasa biasa-biasa saja" Why are you feel nervous ? Are you likes this every interview ? "maybe.."

Ho3x... i thinks in this part, i cannot think clearly.. I am just dunno what must i talk. Its likes she want me to speak a lot. But i am not have a spirit. I think, this is part very difficult for me. To know about my feeling, to describe how i feel. I think doing something itu biasa2 saja, dan don't doing something it's boring.
KESIMPULAN : apakah ini plegmatis?, lebih suka jadi penonton. Dan kurang suka berdiskusi ber2 apalagi dalam situasi serius..

Terus gue jadi inget dlu anak bncc suka bilang "i, lo koq suka ngelamun.." gue rasa-rasa bener jga.. klo lagi ada presentasi org gtu ya.. gue paling sering deh ngelamun gak konsen.. my brain is loss, my brain is blank.. >.<

Why ?

Dan ada jga yg marah2 ma gue, krn gue ini berpkir pendek gak berpkir panjang. Klo misalnya nih qta mkir bareng2... Trus 2 step gue masi bisa nyamain, eh step step berikutnya dia yg mkir. gue uda gak konsen..

Why ?

I thinks that why i becomes nothing.. huuu :'(

What the hell is the solution ? Can u help me to focus, focus, 'n focus ?

i think my friends who can make me focus about my life.. bcoz they always ask me.. How's ur life? How's ur job ? I luv all my fren. Maybe i was already dead without you.. huuu :'(

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